Complete kit for sale (sold)

Have a complete kit for sale. I have used 2 or 3 times and don’t have the time to learn the cnc cad etc. Would just like to get my money back. Have ring kit, z axis, will sell router and throw in the frame and sled for some one local.also have the .25 bit and a few others (In south Carolina) 430 for the kit, 150 for the router.

Have a few sheets of 3/4 birch to sell as well (40 each )

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Wow, two hours! I’m surprised it has lasted this long.

13 hours with no takers so far. Incredible. Might have better luck once Florence is completely gone. Just searched ebay and there are no Maslow CNC lisings active.

Hi! Very interested…how can I contact for details?

Sold yet? Definitely interested if not. Thanks!

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Sorry for slow response have one ahead of you we are figuring out if shipping cost are worth it…I will let you know if it falls thru

Hey!!! Also interested!

First sale fell there so you are now 2nd in line will let you know if the other one ahead of you falls thru.

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Let me know it still available

Still available if you are interested.

Still available? I am interested.

I am interested.

I am interested would be shipped to Iowa, will pay shipping.

I am going in response order until sold or i receive no response for a few days.

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Still available. If anyone is interested. Pm sent to all above to work out payment and shipping.

Hey, I’m Interested.

Message sent chris

messages sent Jillian

Still available. I am just asking for my money back.

Wow, when I saw this thread start 3 weeks ago I thought “That kit will be gone in no time.” I’m interested in your kit. PM me.