Have a M4 kit in original unopened box for sale.
Thought I had enough room in garage, but would be very tight, and wife didn’t want to lose her space.
I’m interested, can you email me at kyleschoen at gmail.com
FYI…I’ll only ship in US not overseas.
I’m in California. Shoot me an email please.
Hi Garru2. I’m interested. In Colorado zip 80132. md3387@gmail.com
Hi Mitchell
Out of Town right now, will be returning Oct 1st and we can talk
I’m interested
Hi @boslaw @md3387 If still interested in buying I’m selling the M4 for $550.00 shipping included.
only in US.
I am interested
Where are you located?
massachusetts. is this an official maslow that you purchased from their website or a model you purchased elsewhere? Any way to verify? I just watched their youtube video about all of the confusion and non-official models and now I’m confused
Also interested. I’m in Canada, but my brother is in the spokane area and i could ship it there.
Hi @boslaw, Yes, this is an official Maslow 4, the only way I know how to verify this is for you ask either @bar or @Anna. I was in batch 1 and Backer 764 and hopefully they can confirm.
By the way I’m in NY area
Sorry @Mackenzie_Godwin I don’t know where “spokane area” is Like I said I won’t ship outside of US
Can confirm
Thanks @bar
Ok, well I’m still interested. Out of curiosity, why are you selling?
I thought I had enough room in my garage for the second Maslow (I also have the Maslow 2 up and running and didn’t want to give it up, it works so well) but I needed to take away some of my wife’s space and I had promised her I wouldn’t.
So how do we finalize the deal?
Good Question, first time selling something here.
first do you have Zelle, if so send me your Address and I’ll ship it to you and when you receive it
I’ll trust you to send me the payment.
Andre Bouchard
202 Moulton Street
South Hamilton, MA 01982
I can set up Zelle with my bank, not a problem. What’s your email address/phone number so I can make the connection (and we can take this out of the forums)?