Holey Triangular Calibration

I will get more time tonight and will double check. I ran the benchmark test and the lines don’t look as straight but I haven’t measured and compared scores (will do tonight). I also ran my circles and squares code and the accuracy is more variable than before. I’ll compare measurements tonight and post.

I completed two calibrations today, standard and holey, and did a benchmark cut after each. Tonight I only had time to score the “standard”. I’ll have to wait till Saturday to score the holey benchmark cut and redo the holey benchmark cut/score if the measurements don’t check out.

I remeasured both “standard” and “holey” benchmark cuts with the plywood laying flat on the floor, as opposed to on the maslow.

@Joshua noticed:

I double checked the hole measurements with the sheet flat on the floor. After recalculating the numbers, the suggested settings, to me, seem barely different at all. Will updating my settings with the “check” numbers, and doing another benchmark cut, even show any differences with such a small change?

Here are the two scores:
With “standard” calibration numbers:

With “holey” calibration numbers:

I did another benchmark cut with the “check” numbers. I didn’t think it would make any difference but this is what I got…

I’m bummed to see this because I believe Joshua’s calibration technique is better and several people have posted improvements after running holey calibration. I still have some issues with the left side of my top bar flexing so I’m wondering if that has anything to do with this (if my top bar was absolutely rigid, holey might give me better numbers)?

After doing all the above I went to change the settings back and, this time, entering a different motor spacing didn’t cause any issues but when I entered a different Y offset, I got the same error I referenced above. I had already implemented what was suggested last time and still got the error. I went to set chain lengths and pressed automatic and hit the zero button when it was done. I then pressed move to center and the sled went all the way to the bottom center of the sheet. At this point 0,0 was so far off I had to wipe eeprom and start over. Of course, since I stopped taking detailed notes and ini copies at every step, it errored on me.

There have now been several people to report having this issue. I think I’m going to revert back to the official v1.25 from Joshua’s Holey update fw (v1.25 plus his updates) and try the same thing to see if I can reproduce it there.

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