Musings on a new design

No. I’m sorry if that was confusing. Those red lines are showing two different and distinct positions the sled can be in (actually they are showing three positions, but when the sled is at P1 or P3 the cables share the same line). When the sled is at P1 then the cable follows the A line (A1A2 -sled- A2A1). When the Sled is at P2 then the cable follows B (B1 -sled- B2).

The idea is that there is one cable that goes from ap1 to ap2 through the sled. The longest that cable would ever need to be is when the sled is located at P2. The shortest the cable would ever need to be is when the sled is located at any point on the line between ap1 and ap2. The take-up of that extra 26" of cable is the only thing that would ever need to be spooled at the sled.

The idea was to limit or reduce the amount of hardware and bulky spooling space needed at the sled.
If the cable passes through the sled we only need to manage 26" of extra cable on each of the two cables which equals 62" total.
If we have 4 cables that each terminate at their own spool on the sled then we need to manage 107" of extra cable on each of the four cables which equals 428" total.

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