Connected on port /dev/ttyACM0 Sent:  PCB v1.3 TLE5206 Detected Grbl v1.00 ready ok Sent: $$ [Forward Calculating Position] [PE:0.00,0.00,123] [PE:0.00,0.00,123] Message: Unable to find valid machine position for chain lengths -0.38, -2.72 . Please set the chains to a known length (Actions -> Set Chain Lengths) $0=2438.40 (machine width, mm) $1=1219.19995117 (machine height, mm) $2=3596.50000000 (motor distance, mm) $3=901.00000000 (motor height, mm) $4=310.00000000 (sled width, mm) $5=139.00000000 (sled height, mm) $6=79.00000000 (sled cg, mm) $7=2 (Kinematics Type 1=Quadrilateral, 2=Triangular) $8=171.69999694 (rotation radius, mm) $9=2000 (axis idle before detach, ms) $10=4267 (full length of chain, mm) $11=2540 (calibration chain length, mm) $12=8113.72998046 (main steps per revolution) $13=63.50000000 (distance / rotation, mm) $15=800 (max feed, mm/min) $16=1 (Auto Z Axis, 1 = Yes) $17=3 (auto spindle enable 1=servo, 2=relay_h, 3=relay_l) $18=12.60000038 (max z axis RPM) $19=8.00000000 (z axis distance / rotation) $20=3000.00000000 (z axis steps per revolution) $21=1300.00000000 (main Kp Pos) $22=0.00000000 (main Ki Pos) $23=34.00000000 (main Kd Pos) $24=1.00000000 (main Pos proportional weight) $25=5.00000000 (main Kp Velocity) $26=0.00000000 (main Ki Velocity) $27=0.27999999 (main Kd Velocity) $28=1.00000000 (main Velocity proportional weight) $29=1300.00000000 (z axis Kp Pos) $30=0.00000000 (z axis Ki Pos) $31=34.00000000 (z axis Kd Pos) $32=1.00000000 (z axis Pos proportional weight) $33=5.00000000 (z axis Kp Velocity) $34=0.00000000 (z axis Ki Velocity) $35=0.27999999 (z axis Kd Velocity) $36=1.00000000 (z axis Velocity proportional weight) $37=0.00000000 (chain sag correction value) $38=2 (chain over sprocket) $39=3 (PWM frequency value 1=39,000Hz, 2=4,100Hz, 3=490Hz) $40=0.00000000 (chain tolerance, left chain, mm) $41=0.00000000 (chain tolerance, right chain, mm) $42=1000.00000000 (position error alarm limit, mm) ok Sent: B05 [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] B05 Firmware Version 1.26 ok Sent: G21 [PE:0.00,0.00,127] Ground Control Version 1.28 Message: Warning, your firmware is out of date and may not work correctly with this version of Ground Control Ground Control Version 1.28 Firmware Version 1.26 G21 ok Sent: $2=2978.4 [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [Forward Calculating Position] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] Message: Unable to find valid machine position for chain lengths -0.38, -2.72 . Please set the chains to a known length (Actions -> Set Chain Lengths) ok Sent: $3=463 [Forward Calculating Position] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] Message: Unable to find valid machine position for chain lengths -0.38, -2.72 . Please set the chains to a known length (Actions -> Set Chain Lengths) ok Sent: $7=1 [Forward Calculating Position] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] Message: Unable to find valid machine position for chain lengths -0.38, -2.72 . Please set the chains to a known length (Actions -> Set Chain Lengths) ok Sent: $8=100 [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [Forward Calculating Position] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] Message: Unable to find valid machine position for chain lengths -0.38, -2.72 . Please set the chains to a known length (Actions -> Set Chain Lengths) ok Sent: $10=3360 ok Sent: $11=1651 ok Sent: $17=0 [PE:0.00,0.00,127] ok Sent: $19=3.17 ok Sent: $20=7560.0 ok Sent: $38=1 [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [Forward Calculating Position] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] [PE:0.00,0.00,127] Message: Unable to find valid machine position for chain lengths -0.38, -2.72 . Please set the chains to a known length (Actions -> Set Chain Lengths) ok Sent: $42=2.0 ok