Category | Topics |
ProjectsYou’re building amazing things with Maslow: Show them off here!
Maslow CommunityThis category is a place to talk about the people and organizations that make up the Maslow community and projects in the Maslow Community Garden. Some of the things you are likely to find here are users looking for other users near them and topics about other related maker communities.
WikiThis category is a wiki category for the community to store and maintain knowledge. Every post in this category will automatically be a wiki post which can be edited to keep the information in it up to date.
TroubleshootingStuck in getting your Maslow up and running? We will get you there!
Post here, what ever it is that prevents you from cutting awesome things. Don’t worry about “silly” questions. They do not exist! Feel free to post and ask anything that you are stuck at. |
Technical DetailsThis is a place to discuss the nuts and bolts and bits that make Maslow work. Topics may encompass the current configuration, changes under development or proposals for future development.
WebControlTroubleshooting, advice, feature requests, etc. for WebControl
SoftwareIssues pertaining to the software supporting Maslow should be posted here. Ground Control and the Maslow Firmware are discussed here.
HardwareThis is the place to discuss the hardware aspect of Maslow CNC, including the motion system, control circuitry, support frame, sled and recommended routers.
CAD/CAM Software TipsDiscussion pertaining to CAD or CAM software should be posted here. (The Ground Control and Maslow Firmware are discussed in the Software Issues category.)
No JudgementThis category is an attempt to draw in all those anonymous or “intimidated” users who might not feel comfortable asking their less-than-CNC-savvy questions in the rest of the forums.
Swap MeetThe Swap Meet category is a place to buy and sell all things Maslow. It seems like there needs to be a place to sell used kits, parts for customizing your machine, or anything else. Keep in mind that you are dealing directly with others on the internet here so I can’t guarantee anything.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.
Found and SharedThis is intended to be a scrollable resource for random things found in the www while searching for projects, programs, tools, inspiration and so on, related to MaslowCNC, CNC in general, CAD, CAM, plywood and other things of interest.