Holey Triangular Calibration

For the bravest among you, The GUI could be testable. Everything is in place, and should be functional.

Remaining Issues

  • There is a popup at the end of all the calibration that warns you about exiting early. It shouldn’t be there
  • I haven’t actually tested the cut step (the one step before you enter your measurements). I did my best, but your machine might burn your house down as soon as you click “go”. It should be checked.
  • I haven’t actually re-downloaded the repository onto my machine to make sure it works like the version on my machine. This needs to be checked.

The Links:

How it Works

If you go to “Actions”=>“Calibrate”, it should lead you through the typical calibration. If you choose “Triangular” for your kinematics option, you will eventually make it to a widget that looks like the one below. If you choose “Holey Calibration”, you will go through the Holey Calibration steps. There is some descriptive text which should explain what to do. However, it is terse, and it may not be clear.

So, @gero, it is ready for testing. However, it does still need work.



You cannot offset the cuts from the home, (0,0) center. That means you cannot re-cut on a sheet by simply shifting the home position by a few inches, as was done here. This is an invalid operation. Instead, you will have to shift the stock by a few mm, leaving the home position at (0,0). Below is where I saw this done by @c0depr1sm. I don’t know how significantly this will impact the result, but it is a misalignment (between the calibration’s assumptions and the cut).