Holey Triangular Calibration

I created a Wiki for how to run Holey GC and FW, which maybe isn’t the right thing since this is still a fork, but since it was suggested, and it is going to take me a few weeks to figure out a custom installer, here it is for others who want to try again.

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It’s absolutely the right thing. People (like me) need to get familiar with the HC. Even if things change a bit, we can update the wiki.


BTW, if you are interested in packaging GC. I believe it was done with PyInstaller


If you extract the current GroundControl-Windows.Portable.v1.26.zip file and look in the GroundControl folder you will see a file named build.bat that should give some clues to how it was packaged for Windows.

python -m PyInstaller --clean --win-private-assemblies --onefile GroundControl.spec
rmdir build /s /Q
rmdir .\dist\GroundControl\.git /s /Q
rmdir .\dist\GroundControl\build /s /Q
rmdir .\dist\GroundControl\Connection /s /Q
rmdir .\dist\GroundControl\DataStructures /s /Q
rmdir .\dist\GroundControl\Documentation /s /Q
rmdir .\dist\GroundControl\Simulation /s /Q
rmdir .\dist\GroundControl\UIElements /s /Q
robocopy /E ./Documentation ./dist/GroundControl/Documentation
robocopy /E ./gcodeForTesting ./dist/gcodeForTesting
copy "./Launch Ground Control.bat" "./dist/Launch Ground Control.bat"
robocopy /E ./dist ./GroundControl-Windows.Portable.v0.
rmdir .\dist /s /Q

I was just going to update this thread! Yes, I found that out earlier this week (Thanks, @bar!). I had some issues with getting mine to compile but, like most things tech, someone much smarter than I has already figured it out :wink: (and I will figure it out eventually :joy:)

So here is where things stand for Holey GC & fw:

  • The next firmware and gc release will be coming soon-ish (Bar is working on it as he has time).
  • There are a few additional things with Holey GC/firmware that need tweaked and tested (as well as some other bugs that have been around).
  • Once the v1.27 of GC and fw are released, those updates need to be merged into Joshua’s fork.
  • We need at least a few people to test a packaged version of Holey GC and fw (v1.27) (this should open things up for more people to test since it no longer requires the python development environment and all its dependencies to be installed by users).
  • When we (the community) are satisfied with it, we (anyone) can make a pull request for Joshua’s Holey GC and fw fork to be merged into the “official” master GC and fw and bar will handle the release.

Almost there!


All awesome news. Is it fair to say that once the Holey stuff is merged after 1.27 that there will be a 1.28 release following the merge?


yes! Its going to be great :smile:

EDIT: of course, there will be other updates which have been waiting, in addition to Holey, in a v1.28.

unless we never make another release, then yes :slight_smile: (you don’t ask how long past
the merge after all)

the plan, which we followed for quite a while, but fell down on since January is
to have a release every two months. So assuming we make a release in August, we
should make the next one in October.

David Lang

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Does numpy have a suitable least-squares solver or do we have to use scipy’s version? Just looking to minimize the dependencies that have to be built.

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I remember this question from a while ago. I don’t see any nonlinear least-squares solvers in numpy. I believe numpy has linear least-squares solvers, but not nonlinear least-squares solvers.

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One more thing. @WoodCutter4, I just discovered a ‘build’ branch in my repository. It has a ‘build.bat’ file. I wonder if that is where the current work is being done which builds GC for Windows machines. Might spend some time to check it out.

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I figured there was a good reason for it. Thanks

question, can the logic in use here be extended to allow you to input a series
of x1,y1,2,y2 sets (where x1,y1 is the real location and x2,y2 is where the
maslow thinks it is)

I don’t want to loose the 6 hole method, but I would like to open it up to more
experimentation (more locations, different patterns, etc)

David Lang

Yes, Joshua. See posts 467 and 468 :wink:

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sorry, I’m seeing 467 be about packaging with pyinstaller, unless you weren’t
responding to my question

You should try using the forums instead of email. I notice things seem to be lost in translation sometimes :wink:
I’m including a screenshot below (not sure if that comes through in email or not). I’m also not sure if viewing by email allows you to see that graphic/link showing who I’m replying to. I was replying to Joshua. :slight_smile:

sometimes I miss things right in front of me, no matter how I read them, sorry.


Same here. Sorry. It seems as if I was 4 days behind the ball on this one, and I failed to read a very explicitly communicated message.

So, let me just check my understanding. @bar owns, and is maintaining, the build branch of the repository, which is what executes the install process for GC. When release 1.28 comes due, he will update the build.bat file to include the new dependencies required by Holey Calibration software. Is that correct?

Also, it looks like there is an indexing mismatch on the left scrollbar. The scrollbar shows only 477 posts, but if you click the link button, the last post is post #481. This may be the cause of the confusion.

You guys tell me what you want and I’ll make it happen.

I’m working on getting a release approved by everyone selling kits, as soon as they give me the green light we can start working on what goes in the next version.


(might have been asked, but there’s 478 posts, tldr)

If this is incorporated into the main branch, does it necessitate recalibration? i.e., if someone has their system dialed-in to where they like it, will they potentially lose accuracy until they recalibrate?


That’s a very important question.

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