Looking for a Maslow 4, east coast US

Looking for a Maslow 4 on the US east coast (I am in the Virginia area). Doesn’t need to be in perfect condition, just needs to work.

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I actually have one new in box, never unpacked, as well as the DeWalt router new never used. I’m in Cincinnati OH so not super far from you if you’re interested in it.

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I’m for sure interested! How much are you looking to sell them for?

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Just checking in one more time to see if you’re still looking to sell your Maslow. Thanks!

Hey, sorry I must have missed your previous reply. I’d like to get as close to what I paid for them as I can which I think was 525 and 140.

That sounds good to me. If you’d be ok with shipping them, I’d be open to that. Otherwise I’d have to make the trip on a weekend, I’m about 8 hours from Cincinnati.

I didn’t realize you were so far away. I prefer to sell in person if possible as I always seem to have bad luck selling things online. But I realize that’s quite a long drive for you.

Just checking in one more time- sent you a message but not sure if you saw it. If you have no interest it’s all good, but I would very much like to buy it if you’d be willing to sell online. @Jcarver1112

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I’d prefer not to sell online. I’ve had to many issues with people scamming, claiming they didn’t receive items etc and reversing payments.

Ok. Let me know if you don’t have luck selling in person, I’d love to buy it.

I never got around to posting my maslow for sale locally. Are you still interested?

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