Maslow 4: stop mid build after disconnecting network

I was doing a quite long build and halfway through I changed my laptops network away from Maslow and the build suddenly stopped. Everything unresponsive, even after reconnecting and reloading the page. It should keep cutting even if not connected, correct?

After retract/extend the position was a couple mm off so I had to scrap the part. Any best practice to make positions more robust a cross restarts? wrote:

I was doing a quite long build and halfway through I changed my laptops
network away from Maslow and the build suddenly stopped. Everything
unresponsive, even after reconnecting and reloading the page. It should keep
cutting even if not connected, correct?

After retract/extend the position was a couple mm off so I had to scrap the
part. Any best practice to make positions more robust a cross restarts?

what firmware version are you running? a lot of that robustness only exists in
this week’s release.

David Lang

Latest version 0.67

There is some sort of safety feature built in to FluidNC I think which causes this kind of behavior, but I’m not sure exactly what it is or how to avoid it.

In my experience if you close the tab while the machine is running everything is OK, but if the computer goes to sleep the machine will stop.

I agree that it’s something that we can (and will) improve on.

Interestingly, it wasn’t an emergency stop where the red led turns on, it was as if the controller just hung on something. Might it be that there is a bug in the websocket closing code?

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I just had the same issue occur…
Have you found any mitigation?

I opened a new browser connection, but I am failing to resume/restart the job with the current coordinate system as it’s failing to find the memory card:

[MSG:ERR: sdmmc_card_init failed code 0x0x102]

If it can’t find the memory card, that probably means that the maslow.yaml is

David Lang

I rebooted the maslow, and now it sees the memory card.

The mid-carve disconnection must have kept the memory card access open, so any new connections were not allowed to access it anymore

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