Where do you adjust the plunge rate in Gcode?

This looks to me like the issue could be that the feed rate is not being specified. The G0 command (moving to where the hole should be drilled) will run at the right speed because G0 moves are done as fast as possible, not at a specified speed. Once drilling the hole commences the machine starts to move REALLY slowly because it doesn’t know how fast it is supposed to be going.

I bet that there is an option in vcarve to fix this because it is very standard to specify the speed. To confirm that is what is going on I would try editing line N2 to look like this: N2 G1 X-4.2426 Y4.2426 Z-0.7500 F1000 We clearly can’t move 1000mm/min but that will just make it go as fast as possible. Once a speed command is sent that speed is assumed for the all of the following moves so you shouldn’t have to make any other changes.

Let me know if that works, and if so let’s try to find the right setting to tweak