Bit size for cutting out parts 1/4" or 1/8"

Tried googling this however I couldn’t find a satisfactory answer. If you were going to cutting out parts out of 3/4" plywood which would you use or something completely differently? Thanks!

When using multple passes, both bits could be used, however, the length of the flute should be at least the thickness of the material. Also the stepover of the passes has a relation with the bit size: larger bits can cut a deeper groove in one pass. You should be able to cut 3/4" plywood in 3 or 4 passes with a 1/4" bit, with a 1/8" bit you would need to double that.
If you want to know more, try searching for “Feeds and Speeds” on this forum, there is a lot to be found.

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Gotcha. That’s good information.

I really wish there was a starters chart of this type of information as most of the info here is for earlier versions of maslow which don’t really apply to M4.

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Although then there are jokers like this:

I’ll try it on the maslow once I have it cutting consistently, but I’ll be out of the room watching on a video feed. :laughing:


Kinda crazy to do it all on one pass but it does look good …


right? I really do want to try it at some point. These bits are cheap enough… but afraid of breakage and routers are scary at some level. Like I said, I’ll be behind the car or in another room :slight_smile:

I’ll probably buy some bits to test out as they’re cheap enough.

I bet you Maslow can do single pass on 3/4" wood if you use a circular torchoidal pattern but doubt we will see a straight deep cut work without a solid gantry to secure against the cutting force

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it will work just find if the bit is a plunge cutting bit (i.e. cutting surface
across the entire bottom)

David Lang

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