Ok. Spent all day trying to cut wood again. I’ve been lucky to get a heart and rabbit but nothing more.
I’ve been able to calibrate. SUCCESS!
I attempt to start a project by
Turning on Maslow
Retracting, extending, taking slack (R.E.T.)
+Sometimes belts are already fully retracted…does that matter?
I’ve router bit in place and get it to where I want it and set Z to home position.
I’ve done Z home before and after R.E.T.
-After taking up slack, I’m able to move Maslow. I can move Z axis.
Problem: I load Gcode (it’s already in the drop down on repeat attempts) and hit PLAY. Nothing moves! Light on top blinks red. UI shows X, Y and Z changes as of it is supposed to be moving.
I thought it might be due to wifi but went directly next to it and connected to Maslow AP. Still the same…all day and not wood cutout.
The bad news is that it doesn’t seem to be an issue with the gcode file which would be ideal.
When you get the blinking red light, do you get any sort of warning in the console?
I’m going to work on making it more verbose so that it will repeat over and over again what the error is that is causing the red light so that we can see what the machine thinks is wrong.
Looking through the code, the only thing that it seems like it could be is that if there is a position error of more than 15mm while running a gocde file the machine will go into safe mode to protect itself, but you should be getting an error message in the console which says that. Are you seeing any sort of error message? Maybe it’s getting buried in the gcode messages when the file is running.
It’s for sure a bug that error stops the machine moving, but allows the file to keep running in the background so I fixed that.
OK, I figured it out (I’m pretty sure) and I was able to replicate the bug.
This is totally what is happening:
It seems like the transition directly from Take Slack → Running the file is causing the machine to freak out and think it’s in the wrong place so it goes into safe mode.
The short term fix is that if you use the arrow buttons to move it around IE: Retract All → Extend All → Hook Belts Up → Take Slack → Move with the arrow buttons (100mm left, 100mm right or something) → Green Play
I guess I had never tried starting a file immediately after doing Take Slack (I always re-positioned first), thanks for catching that. I will get that bug fixed right away.
In the mean time here’s an update which will at least give a more clear error message about what is going on: 0.66.4
To correct myself on earlier statement…I noticed Z axis did move according to G-code. As I waited longer and the UI diagram followed to outline, once it got back to the start the Z-axis did go down as written for 2mm every pass.
The top left definitely shouldn’t have slack like that. That’s the issue I think.
I think that the first step is that we need to get things set up so that you can use the arrow buttons to move all around the sheet without there ever being too much slack or tension in the belts. This looks to me like there is maybe something off with the calibration values.
Serial Messages
[MSG:INFO: Channel auto report interval set to 50 ms]
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0]
[MSG:INFO: Caution: Unlocked]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is -70.654mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 1mm, error is -2.061mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1781.808mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Left axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1580.699mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1781.958mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1895.973mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1673.692mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Left axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1580.846mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1782.092mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1896.062mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1673.767mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Left axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1580.958mm]
[MSG:INFO: Retracting all belts]
[MSG:INFO: 0 pulled tight with offset -1568.027]
[MSG:INFO: 1 pulled tight with offset -1695.829]
[MSG:INFO: 3 pulled tight with offset -1822.944]
[MSG:INFO: 2 pulled tight with offset 1332.241]
[MSG:INFO: Extending all belts]
[MSG:INFO: All belts extended to center position]
[MSG:INFO: Measured waypoint 0]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 1mm, error is -151.422mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Left axis exceeded 1mm, error is -218.597mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is 1.390mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1.061mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is -8.739mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is 15.198mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Left axis exceeded 1mm, error is -1.013mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is -21.905mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Top Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is 8.791mm]
[MSG:ERR: Motor current on Bottom Right axis exceeded threshold of 4000]
[MSG:ERR: PANIC! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:ERR: Motor current on Bottom Right axis exceeded threshold of 4000]
[MSG:ERR: PANIC! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:INFO: Caution: Unlocked]
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M5 M9 T0 F0 S10000]
[GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 M3 M9 T0 F0 S10000]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 1mm, error is 257.427mm]
[MSG:ERR: Position error on Bottom Right axis exceeded 15mm while running. Halting. Error is 257.427mm]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop! Stopping all motors]
[MSG:WARN: The machine will not respond until turned off and back on again]
[MSG:ERR: 9 (GCode cannot be executed in lock or alarm state) in /sd/CarterMI3.nc at line 10]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop triggered.]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop triggered.]
[MSG:ERR: Emergency stop triggered.]
The red light there is a good thing, IE the machine is detecting that something is wrong and not letting you start cutting because it knows it won’t work correctly.
Are you using the same calibration values in your maslow.yaml file that you were using before when you were able to cut?
Is it possible that when updating the values for the anchor point locations got overwritten in the config file? It seems strange that it would work before and then not work now.
I am noticing the top left arm is acting differently. When I “extend all” it is stuttering with ever so slight tension. The other belts come out easily. I end up pulling/not pulling on the top left belt to get it to be fully out and cause fan to stop.