My M4 disconnected 3 times in a row. I was manually vacuuming as it went and it nearly finished but disconnected right before its final pass. On the second attempt it didn’t even begin to cut, it disconnected on its way to the start point. The third attempt it made almost one pass before disconnecting.
These were my 3rd, 4th, and 5th attempts at any cut with the machine since assembling it. Is it still likely this is an encoder issue so early on or should I be checking for something else? (my computer isn’t going to sleep I double checked that)
Happy to upgrade if it’s a better setup, just want to make sure it’s the solution to this problem.
And lastly, is there a complete list and/or a guide to upgrading an existing setup? I looked around and didn’t see one, but could have missed it.
Thanks for the response! That’s good to know. I’m picking up a hot glue gun to secure the RJ45 connectors after cleaning them out. I will also find a way to ground the shop vac and discharge any static, then report back.
Just to cover bases, I have not updated my yaml file since first assembling the MF and calibrating.
I did update to the latest firmware and index files (v0.87), but the guide vids said updating the yaml would clear the calibration data so I didn’t do that. I don’t know if that could contribute to an error like this.