Looking to capture what everyone’s top tips for the Maslow are and favorite mods so far! Not really looking for redesign mods, but more of quick additions that make an awesome difference for your Maslow experience.
Here are some of my top ones so far:
Top Tips:
Using a chain cleaner (or an old tootbrush) to clean off the sawdust every few cuts from the chains
Utilize project boards instead of 4x8’s when not necessary (a lot easier to setup and still get same tolerance in your cuts
**Use the “pecker” milling action when milling out holes in your design (I’ll make another video on this to explain what this is and why it’s so useful for the Maslow
Top mods:
I added the Rockler Locking Caster Kit to the base of my Maslow - this was by far the best addition - out of the way when you’re not moving the Maslow to keep stability, and then the wheels lower when you need to move the Maslow. *I’ll show this in one of my next videos
Post your thoughts and I’ll accumulate the top ideas from the community to share!
I’m also interested to know everybody’s favorite tips and mods are for the Maslow.
I’ve ordered a kit and I want to make as easy and fun to use as possible, and I know it’s always the little things that can completely change your experience.