I found that creating a CAM-Layout Assembly for each workpiece (thickness or sheet) was pretty handy. I worked up a few more ‘best practices’ into a checklist to be completed prior to entering the Fusion360 CAM environment.
I made a PDF of the checklist that others might find handy.
This assumes that you’ve created your Fusion360 Model with ALL parts to be cut as independent Components and arranged them within a ‘3D-Model’ Component. (below the top level component of the project.)
You then create a CAM-Layout component for each sheet or thickness of sheet you’re planning on milling.
Then copy/paste the Model Components into the CAM-Layout (preserving their edit-ability within the Model Component, with changes flowing through to the CAM-Layout)
Align and Nest the Components on the CAM-Layout sheets.
Create Dog-Bone radiuses on inside corners (it is important to do this last so as to not effect your model assembly. The Dog-Bones are a function of the material (plywood) and not a function of the model (in most cases) and are therefore part of the CAM preflight, not Model creation process.
review and save and you’re off to the CAM environment.
I hope to follow up by posting similar checklists for MaslowCNC specific settings for the various common CAM operations (Drilling, 2D-Pockets, 2D-Contours, etc) in the near future.
Fusion360 Pre-CAM Checklist.pdf (37.4 KB)
hope this helps,