Is BOBCAD compatible with GC.
does bobcad create g-code? if not, you need a CAM package to sit between the two
and convert the models created by the CAD package into g-code that GC can run
David Lang
It looks like overkill for the Maslow. It’s a bit costly too - almost as much as the Maslow itself.
Well I already have it and was trying to see if it would work.
And it does create G-code
If you have it create g-code for a grbl machine, that should work.
David Lang
dont know what that is
When you create g-code, you pick a ‘flavor’ of g-code (or pick what machine you
are generating g-code for), the maslow only supports very primitive g-code, so
if you pick a machine that has all sorts of fancy g-code features, your program
will try to use them and the maslow won’t understand them.
If you pick a nice, primitive g-code target (and ‘grbl’ is one), then the result
will probably work.
But the thing to do is to just give it a try, generate g-code for a simple
object and post it here and we can look at it and tell you if that works or if
you need to try another target.
David Lang