Good list of Free CAD software

I found a few new Gems in there.

Thank you


Maybe not an online tool, but is free to download and use is DesignSpark mechanical 4.0.

It was finally updated Nov’18 and now has integrated plugin for Cura if you 3D print. This was my got to for 3D modeling after giving up on Sketch Up and before I moved on to Fusion360.


CAM sw should also be listed ! (change the heading.)
I recently found (in an other post) :

Well worth a try if you need a free CAM. It certainly made my day.

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Here’s a good article about cad software:

I have found FreeCAD very capable. There are lots of youtube tutorials. But not online.

Agreed. I’m in general not a big fan of online tools. And I remember there is a CAM tool/ workbench for freCAD, too.