Homebrew Maslow 4.1 Build

I thought I would share my Maslow build. Making and sourcing as many of the parts as I can myself. Check out my post for photos and build details.


Looks awesome.

One significant change when printing yourself (which I want to try sometime) is to not bother with the hex grid, but just have simple solid parts and use a gyroid or adaptive cubic infill. It would do the same job, but be a lot easier to clean.


It would probably do an even better job. The vertical posts aren’t exactly stiff, as can be seen here: Feedback on calibration and resulting dimensional accuracy - #21 by hendrik

I’d like to replace them with something stiffer (even just a skin on both sides would help) and make them as wide as possible at the bottom. Below the belt level in each quadrant you can make the posts as wide as you like to improve stiffness in y-direction.

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hendrik wrote:

I’d like to replace them with something stiffer (even just a skin on both
sides would help) and make them as wide as possible at the bottom. Below the
belt level in each quadrant you can make the posts as wide as you like to
improve stiffness in y-direction.

they can also be wider further away from the router. what matters is the angles
of the arms, so you can make them a wedge or a T shape as long as the wide end
allows the same arm angles.

Also, there is no need to keep using only he small nuts and bolts on your own

David Lang

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