I Desire a GCODE Optimizer and a new Cam package


Oh, I didn’t know that (I’m behind on that topic!). I knew a Pi was involved but assumed Webcontrol was…web server based :slight_smile:

Dream setup. I think it would be cool to have Ground/Webcontrol a seamless part of CAD/CAM software. I realize this is very easy to say and I have no skills to offer to make it happen :smile:

instead of downloading the file and then transferring it to your machine, just click a different tab, or button, in Create and it opens Webcontrol, Groundcontrol or something like it, in that same software and away you go! Is it too crazy to have a web server hosted app write to an arduino via USB?

Maybe it would be an easier first step to have Create simply open your local copy of GC or launch a new browser tab with your Webcontrol URL (url could be set in your Create settings?)?

Can Create have user accounts built into it (seems like that might be complicated and expensive)? Configuration defaults and other custom user settings could be stored there.
