Just started building the Maslow4.
Is it ok to extend the belts all the way when building the arms? I looped it around for now. Just wanted to make sure. Didn’t want to deal with the frustration of keeping the belts in the reel during assembly.
Just started building the Maslow4.
Is it ok to extend the belts all the way when building the arms? I looped it around for now. Just wanted to make sure. Didn’t want to deal with the frustration of keeping the belts in the reel during assembly.
Hello Tzarza,
Welcome to the forum.
It is easier to keep them rolled up on the spool.
But I am wondering how you came to this picture. It has been a while since I build mine but something does not look right to me. It looks like the belt is rolled around the whole spool and motor attachment together. It should only be around the spool part and the take the right path out as seen here:https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57e561e720099e0d7a7f6aca/df859118-3b02-4073-8557-b4b686fda8e9/205ae4980e697c0f9270b9e9c1200cdb06d8bfa9_2_750x1000.jpeg?format=500w
Hope this helps you.
Thank you. I was able to figure it out. I found a technique that made it much more simple. What you are seeing on the Arm is extra slack I wrapped around it. Excited to continue this Journey. Thanks for the warm welcome.