Maslow 4 Exited cutting area on tangent line

I was cutting a bulkhead for a boat, and near the end program, the maslow 4 cut a straight tangent line off the cut and nearly fell off the board, when I hit the estop to cut power to the maslow

This is my first time having an issue with the Maslow. Not really sure where to go from here, and could use some troubleshooting advice.

Do the logs persist after power is cut? Is this a symptom of the rj45 connectors? I did notice some static buildup as it was running, could it be that? The firmware is a few months old, should I upgrade? I just ordered the JST boards and connectors.

Thank you,

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Extra images:

While putting the maslow away, the lower right belt would not retract all the way, I had to extend, and then retract several times to get it to retract all the way.

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It could 100% be a symptom of the RJ45 connector.

We have fixed a number of issues so updating is always a good idea. In particular we fixed an issue where if the firmware crashed the machine would keep cutting like this. Now the machine should stop immediately if something goes wrong, but ideally that never happens.

My advice would be to install the latest firmware and replace the RJ45 connectors and you should be good.