I’m just starting to put together the Maslow 4 kit and when I got to the second arm I had difficulty getting the idler shaft to seat. First arm idler shaft went in jut fine. I then noticed that the shafts were not square at the ends causing the shaft to sit at an angle. This can’t be right can it?
it’s not right, but it’s the way the kits go together.
I think the cast gears are just a smidge larger than the machined versions that
they used for the prototypes.
the arms will still go together with them angled slightly, but it does make it a
bit harder.
David Lang
Thanks for the feedback. I wasn’t sure if I should continue with the build or not. Back to the assembly!
I noticed some slight burrs on the ends of mine when I inventoried my kit. I doubt they affect performance.
My gears also had burrs on the ID edge as well. The sintered gears are very hard and I had to sacrifice a small file to the gear gods but i was able to remove them. It certainly made the difference when fitting them up to the idler shaft and they were able to spin with no resistance. I suspect alot of people may be having the same issue.
The ends not being perpendicular should not matter, this is very typical for dowel pins or shafting unless you request them to be machined that way. When you press them into the arms the OD of the pin and walls of the hole in the arm, not bottom of the hole, actually judge how the pin stands. If you press them in crocked then you may have a problem.