I am new to Maslow and I have some questions about setting the baseline for my setup. I have a pretty large frame, 6.5’ x 11.5’. It is a vertical frame and I put it at 15 degrees, which seems to be the preference. I have run the calibration several times and I getting very low (I think) fitness values.
The center of my frame is 77" from corners so I put 1850 in the extend dist. and the first calibration run it went right off the board and I had to support it. I have run it again and each time it does seem to require less babysitting. Although it has tied up a belt, which I replaced and then snapped 2 belts which I replaced as well. It bounced off the floor that time…
The baseline that I am curous about it the grid values and tension value. Is there something that I missed in the documentation about these choices?
6.5’ is a pretty short frame, that may make the result too wide (you start to
lose accurach with a workspace taller than ~2.5’ with that frame size)
You can look at http://lang.hm/maslow/maslow4_frame.html to see how different
height and width combinations affect the area you can cut without the arms
hitting the frame
for calibration, you should shrink the grid until it fits cleanly in the center
green area
the grid size (7x7 etc) is just how many points to measure. The default was 9x9
but right now Bar is leaning to shrink that to 7x7
We switched up how the calibration process works pretty substantially in v0.88 so it could be worth going back to 0.87 to see if that is smoother. It will ask for an initial guess on the frame size instead of asking you how much belt to extend.
0.87 went much better. I had to increase the extract length by 100mm but calibration completed.
Calibration complete
Calibration values:
Fitness: 0.8091480334708938
Maslow_tlX: 1.3
Maslow_tlY: 1926.9
Maslow_trX: 3399.9
Maslow_trY: 1928.8
Maslow_blX: 0.0
Maslow_blY: 0.0
Maslow_brX: 3384.0
Maslow_brY: 0.0