Power cycling the Maslow4

I somehow feel itchy powering up and down by plugging in and pulling the cord. Hopefully the power interruption won’t hurt the hardware. Is there a better way? I am getting a weather resistant power strip for it.

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Just 20 minutes ago I was researching how to add a power switch to the XT60 connector (because I cringe every time I need to pull the plug and put it back in and hear a pop). I found this on eBay which looks like the best option. I’m going to order one and give it a try but it will be a few weeks to get it. I haven’t found another place (i.e, Amazon) to find this particular style.


Nice! There seem to be a few on Amazon, but they are just pigtails (thus far in my search) The power out of the transformer is 24V 5.0 amp 120 watt.

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Need to look into antispark connectors, like XT90 but mainboard connector would need to be changed as would the DC power connector

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I use one of these

Which is nice for resetting it or turning it off. Pulling the plug will absolutely not hurt it though

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