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Maybe ultimately with Maslow create and an all in one controller board with built in UI, perhaps someday CNC machining could be as easy as 3D printing.

My main consideration is the fact that my equipment is outside WiFi range. I would prefer to run standalone anyway but there are a lot of occasions where I really need to consult the web. Right now I just make a note of it and whenever I make the trek across to the house I do any lookups, research, etc. I did a brief bit of research and simply don’t want to plunk down several hundred for a repeater/booster. Til then I’ll just do what I can when I can.

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So there are two good ways to address this.

  1. get a $20 AP and let the maslow connect to it and then your phone or local

  2. have a configuration of the maslow where it acts as an AP and you connect to
    it with your phone/computer

#2 is probably the best way to do initial configuration. This limits the
requirement for USB connectivity to flashing a broken system

David Lang

Run cat6 (or cat5e) from your router across the house to wherever your maslow is located. Raspberry pi’s have ethernet ports.

some people have shops a long distance from their house.

If there is no way to get an internet connected wifi signal or a hardwired ethernet setup to the pi/maslow, it should be possible to configure the pi to create an access point using it’s internal wifi chip. There will of course be no internet on this network, but you can connect another computer or phone to it to be able to control the router. See the " Setting up a Raspberry Pi as an access point in a standalone network (NAT)" part of this page for config info.

This would require no additional hardware or cost on the part of the end user, and if we end up using a pi image with a wizard or shell script to deploy web control on people’s pi’s, we could set this up as an option with all dependancies preinstalled installed on the image - just make the end user input a ssid and password for the new network, and give them the option of selecting the subnet. If they need more advanced features than this, they are likely able to edit the config themselves with vim or nano.


That’s a great idea! I’ll be giving that a shot in the near future! Thanks!