The Belt Maslow (a.k.a Maslow 4) Manual

7. Add-Ons


Right where the machine meets the material, the bit is very important to the operation of the Maslow. There are many factors that determine how a bit will perform and often there is not one “perfect” bit, but a generally acceptable bit would be a 1/8" single-flute upcut bit with a high flute twist. The highly simplified reason is that the Maslow moves relatively slowly which makes it harder to maintain sufficient chip load to be cutting the material rather than grinding it. A much more detailed discussion of this can be found in the Routers and bits that can be usted on the maslow 4 thread


Safety Components


Fire Extinguisher

Dust Control

As more and more Maslow 4s are built, it’s inevitable that new features will be added to the M4 universe, developed either by Maslow or the Maslow community.

The Not Shop

The Not Shop is a list of commercially available accessories from vendors other than Maslow.

3-D Printable Parts

The Maslow 4 3D printed parts thread is a place to find files for accessories that can be 3-D printed.

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