Does anyone have the perfect setup that can run for hours without any issues?
I would say I have a 50% chance of running for an hour without something tripping for random reasons.
If so what is your setup? How often do you rebuild your Maslow? Do you use all of the screws? I do but disassembly is a pain and I thought how nice it would be to cut 30% of the screws out of the setup.
I recently took mine apart and applied grease to the gears. It seemed to work a lot better in that the over current errors went away and the belts retracted reliably again. I still get an occasional position error. The last time it failed, it just stopped mid cut with no log information.
13’ x 13’ concrete floor.
Stilling using Ethernet cables with hot glue
Not trying to complain, the Maslow is making amazing cuts that I couldn’t do without it. However, it can be frustrating having to create new G code to skip completed sections, retract the belts, extent the belts. If there is a better way to do things I would like to know.
I also don’t trust it to run safely, I never leave the Maslow running unattended.