Triangular Linkage Evaluation Criteria and Measurements

Sorry, this thread has gotten pretty long. I would like to condense a lot of this down to a wiki page at some point.

The two files I have been using are these: (7.6 KB)
Calibration Benchmark (640 Bytes)

I had setup the google doc back when we first were discussing recording the results, but I’ve been using my own spreadsheet to track the data. I added visualizations to help interpret the data better.

You could add your data to this sheet, and it will give us comparable results:
BedAccuracyTest.xlsx (42.3 KB)

Looking forwards to having more data than just from my machine. Having results from many different machines will help us determine patterns with the different systems.

@dlang: the new kit arrived in the mail yesterday. I put it together but I’m not going to have time to run the machine this weekend. The clearances on the holes do feel much better than the other kit. I also really like the added half-link, that should make it much easier to remove the sled for calibrations. The new version is certainly an improvement over the first one :smiley: Now I just need time so I can put it through the paces.