It looks like I missed out on the first round of the ring kits. I do have a triangulation kit that I have yet to assemble. Is there any big advantage or disadvantage between the two? I’ve been away from my Maslow for quite a while so forgive me if this has been covered in other forum posts.
In theory yes, there are differences. In practice???
unfortunantly we haven’t had anyone do a head-to-head comparison of the
different options yet. We had one person start, and found problems with the
first-generation top-mount kit, but they got busy and haven’t tested the newer
version of the top-mount kit or the ring kit.
I’ve said this before, but if anyone interested in doing such head-to-head
comparisons, I’ll ship them a free top-mount kit, and I now have access to a
lasercutter, so I should be able to cut a 45 kit and send it to you as well (at
least the wood parts of it and enough hardware to build either kit)
David Lang
David, I ordered the ring kit and should be seeing it next week and after I have everything dialed in I would be willing to do some testing. I made a pencil attachment so I would be willing to the testing and not have to waste all kinds of sheet goods.
send me a PM and I’ll look at getting a top kit out to you.
do you have a 45 (wood) kit?
David Lang
Yes, I have the wood kit from @pillageTHENburn. I’m not sure on a timeline of getting the wood kit together and I’d like to rebuild my frame from the original stock frame before I start getting back in to much cutting. If you’re looking to get some comparisons soon, I might not be the best one to test.
So how did you calculate the circle of rotation? are you using the point where the chains attach to the metal arms? Or are you using the inside diameter of the circle? Or does it not really matter that much?
I could be wrong but the center or rotation is the center of the circle.
the rotation radius is the distance from the bit to the part of the link that’s
at the 12 o’clock position when the sprocket has a tooth at 12o’clock
David Lang
The default value for rotationDiskRadius in the firmware is 250mm; not sure if there is a variable for “the distance from the bit to the part of the link that’s at the 12 o’clock position when the sprocket has a tooth at 12o’clock”.
rotation radius is the distance to be added to the chain length to reach the
the chain length is the amount of chain fed out fromthe 0 position.
the 0 position is having the sprocket with one tooth at 12 o’clock and a link of
chain straddling that.
as you rotate the sprocket from this point, it measures how much chain there is.
This means 1/2 of that link is past the 0 point. It does not add that 1/2 link
to the chain length. that 1/2 link becomes part of the rotation radius of the
triangulation kit.
David Lang
That is defined as having zero distance on that axis. Everything from there is handled as an axis.move (singleAxisMove or coordinatedMove) in Motion.cpp based on millimeters to move.
The half link doesn’t enter into the situation.
If you ask a person about the length of the chain, they would include that half
link. With the top mount kit, that half link is used, and is part of the
rotation radius.
David Lang
This is what I’ve calculated from drawings and assumes the drawings are correct.
A 8mm Allen worked nicely on my R22002.
(slightly bigger than a 5/16")
This is the size I used also
brilliant, thank you