About the Swap Meet category

The Swap Meet category is a place to buy and sell all things Maslow. It seems like there needs to be a place to sell used kits, parts for customizing your machine, or anything else. Keep in mind that you are dealing directly with others on the internet here so I can’t guarantee anything.

Some general guidelines for posting in the Swap Meet category are:

  • Post a description of what you are selling, who you are, how you would like to be contacted/, where you are shipping from so others can estimate their shipping cost, and post pictures.

  • Try to send email addresses and paypal addresses by private message to avoid getting spam.

  • Consider using services like Ebay or Etsy which offer more protection to do the actual sale

  • If you are selling a single item, update your post when the sale is complete so others know

  • Look out for eachother. Being able to sell used machines and parts to customize your machine is good for the community, but exchanging money with strangers over the internet can be risky. Let’s look out for eachother.


One other important note on this section. Please - Please post when a sale is complete so people don’t keep asking.



Great suggestion, I’ve added it to the sticky post

1 Like

Will do.