I’m having troubles adjusting the speed at which the sled moves around. I am using Fusion 360 to generate my tool path, and post-processing it on Grbl. Does anyone know how I can manipulate this?
What feedrate are you specifying when you are programming your toolpaths? Due to hardware limitations, the Maslow is currently limited to 800 mm/min (~31.5 in/min) in the X-Y directions and 30ish mm/min (~1.2 in/min) in Z. If you try telling the machine to move faster than that, Ground Control will reduce that speed to the maximum allowable speed.
If you look at the actual posted G-code, the feedrate for your programs is written using the variable F. Usually, you’ll see it after the first G1 command in a path, and the remainder of the lines in that path will default to that value. If your speed changes at all during a toolpath, another F variable will be inserted by the post-processor.
While this (probably) won’t help you with this issue, there is a Maslow-specific post-processor for Fusion 360.
And these are the instructions for installing that post:
Thanks so much @MeticulousMaynard really appreciate you taking time to help a greenie out
Do you know if this post processor remains the same for the M2 w the Due board and upgraded Makermade motor shield?
Do you know if there’s an upgraded post processor for M2 ?
Thanks for your time.
Not sure, I don’t have that setup myself. Since the controller works from GRBL, I would imagine that you’d want to use the GRBL post, but I’m not rightfully sure. Someone who’s involved in the MakerMade scene would know better than I.