Anyone selling a Maslow in or around Houston, Texas? Or anyone will to sell and ship one?

I just found out about the Maslow not to long ago and when I was ready to buy one they came out and said they were taking a break from production. :disappointed: so I’m looking to see if anyone has one for sale. Please let me know. Thanks guys!

Keep an eye open here on the Swap Meet. From experience with every batch a few kits show up here and the ‘last’ just went out or is to be shipped soon.
It’s a bit cumbersome to source the individual parts, but while waiting for a kit to show up, you can find some links here to make a shopping list just in case:

Good luck!


@Gchan :wink:

If anyone knows someone selling a maslow please let me know. I will send the money ASAP. Just in desperate need of one of these bad boys. I missed @M72alvarado sale by a couple hours… ugh.

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@Gchan I can double what you paid for this Maslow… haha I desperately need one!!

Are you still looking

Looking to sell my kit box opened never used will ship.


I have a new in box (opened but never in-packed).

In Frisco, TX. I was looking to sell it for original purchase price. If you’re still looking let me know what you think is reasonable.

Pictures are in original post probably still on the swap meet forum.