Is there a reason why the arm spools have to be smaller than the bands that go on the spools? That makes assembly so much more difficult than it could be if the spools were the same size or larger. Also, are the bands supposed to be squeezed so tightly against the motor spindle that the band ridges get smashed or even worse - ripped off the bands? The motor spindle doesn’t turn when you’re assembling so if you don’t jam the bands in against the spindle during assembly, it’s impossible to turn the spools by and to tighten. Conversely, if you haven’t lined up the spools correctly, it’s impossible to pull the bands out by hand once the arms are assembled. There’s got to be a better way (or I really don’t understand how these things are supposed to go together)
It is correct as you described. The belts are max length. When the motors pull they will compress the belts in the spools better then by hand. You can leave a few loops off the spool for assembly. Just make sure they don’t get twisted when powering on and retracting.
When you say “leave a few spools off” you mean that the end may be hanging out of the arm by 6+ inches at assembly?
boslaw wrote:
When you say “leave a few spools off” you mean that the end may be hanging out of the arm by 6+ inches at assembly?
Yes, you could leave it complely unspooled (and some people do that), but I like
to leave less out to get tangled personally
David Lang
You can also leave the bulk of it still in it’s plastic bag until you have completely assembled the arm which avoids tangles.
Thank you.
And now of course I’m finally reaching the end of assembly- put the router on the sled (no picture, no big red warning) and of course I miss this step because I’m following every other step in pictures and this one has no picture. Now I have to take apart the supports again because there is no way to reassemble them with the router on the sled.
When I put the router on the sled is it supposed to hover a few inches above the sled because mine will not go down any further?? No picture and no advice in the instructions to help.
This whole build process needs a serious rework. It’s so unnecessarily frustrating and missing important info like what you responded to above. Having those details in the instructions would make the process a lot clearer and less confusing.
If you mean the whole assembly is stopped at the top of the z axis ball screws that is correct. Once you power on you will use the z motors to drive it down