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In the mobile version click on the icon in the upper left, then click on the envelope icon

This forum software is pretty secretive about user docs. Lots on APIs for developers, not so much on users, otherwise random stuff on things like how you use markup. Dr. Google wasn’t a lot of help, found discussions on why PMs should be encrypted, or not, to deal with illicit content but nothing on how to use them. Originally found the basic user guide by poking around in badges, iirc correctly one was PM’d on enrolling but that’s "catch22"
Never did find the advanced user guide, also mentioned in badges

Edit, if you find the new user intro message from @discobot there’s a brief introduction on PM’s and posting . If somebody, say @TheRiflesSpiral, knows where the user docs hide out can you please provide a link


And @Gero just posted a non-mobile how to

Nope, wasn’t me… just a Bee using my profile…

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I done it! I was using a screen grab to illustrate how to use PM in Discourse.

Thank you

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Dear Moose,

As much as two people that have never met and share a common community and a love for being mostly safe can, I love you.

I agree with most of what you post.

As for the warning I really think we need to write a simple internet survival guide with do’s don’t and best practices.

I like to post honeypot addresses like:

however if you insist on putting your e-mail address out, make it a non-clickable image. Just know at some point an AI will be written to scrape that too and you will retroactively receive 20 years of marketing.

Thank you


@mooselake No user docs that I’m aware of.

The discobot message you get when you first sign up is the start of a tutorial, which is a PM itself.

Discourse thinks the UI is simple enough that you can train yourself to use it. I disagree but then again I don’t run Discourse. :slight_smile:

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Sounds like a lot of projects. Coding’s fun, documentation isn’t