Budget Update and Open House - Wednesday December 6th Update

The December 6th weekly Kickstarter update is posted, you can read it here:


Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts.

Maybe you could put one of those M logos over the door so it would be easier to find. I wonder where you could get one cut?


I did think the same :rofl:

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I’ll look into it and see if I can find a way to make that happen :joy:

I’ve got an exciting update to the update…the changes to our sled mold are complete and our parts are in production!

As part of our negotiations around them being behind schedule we got them to agree to bag all of our parts in the quantities that we will need in the final kit so that we won’t have to re-bag them after they arrive which should safe us a significant amount of time when the parts arrive.


Bar i thought about that earlier thinking the location needed a sign. Thwn thought you might get old style maslow owners attacking you thinking you are responsible for their problems.

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I’m also wondering if there’s any way you could do something better than

$12 home depot brand metal folding chairs


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I plan to as soon as I have time :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks everyone who came to the open house! We had a way bigger turn out than I expected which was fantastic. I wasn’t sure that anyone would actually show up.

I’d guesstimate that about 30 people came through over the course of the day. I didn’t have a chance to take any pictures (Next time!), so here’s the sunset over the docks:

Since it was a success I think that we’d like to work on making meetups a regular thing. It’s so cool to put faces to some of the user names.

If anyone has suggestions for how we could make future meetups better or share them with those of us who aren’t in Seattle and can’t make it in person, I’d love to try new and different things in the future.


For those not near Seattle, how about an online meetup (Zoom, Teams, etc.)?


Thank you for hosting the open house. Was great to meet up. Maslow 4 is looking great!


I had time to take pics, and so I did. :slight_smile:

Was great to meet you and I’m even more excited and energized to get the new kit in hand and built!


Thanks for sharing the pictures! (And taking the pictures :smiley:)

And thanks for coming out! I really wasn’t sure anyone would come and it was super fun to get to chat.