Calibration and Z offset

I have setup my maslow4 using cement anchors.
the thickness of the spoilboard is 1.5", and I am cutting 0.75" plywood.

for the maslow_tlz / blz / trz/ brz values, I understand that I should increase the Z offset from the defaults.
Should I increase it by the thickness of the spoilboard (38mm), or by the total added thickness (57 mm)?

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iliaden wrote:

I have setup my maslow4 using cement anchors.
the thickness of the spoilboard is 1.5", and I am cutting 0.75" plywood.

for the maslow_tlz / blz / trz/ brz values, I understand that I should increase the Z offset from the defaults.
Should I increase it by the thickness of the spoilboard (38mm), or by the total added thickness (57 mm)?

by the added thickness

David Lang