Perhaps a video of the screen that could be paused?
Or here is a version of the launch file which will pause after the program exits:
Launch Ground (178 Bytes)
Awesome! I know exactly what that is…it’s a but that I was seeing occasionally too, but I haven’t heard anyone else report it yet. I’ve got a fix for that bug coming out in 1.07, but since waiting that long is silly I will make a early release of 1.07 right now which will have the fix. Going back to 1.04 should fix the issue also.
Well if is just me right now, I will jump back to 1.04 and wait. That is not a problem.
I will say I ran GC 1.04 but with FW 1.06 and it still had the error that I couldn’t calibrate. So I still need to figure that out. Maybe that mismatch itself is the problem.
I have probably run the calibration routine about 15 times making sure items were lining up on my ruler just right and etc. but I MUST have something incorrect in my settings that is failing.
Here is 1.07 if you do decide to go that route:
If going back to 1.04 I would try deleting the .ini file (or changing it to .old like you did before). I am not 100% sure what going back a version will do (but it should be fine I think). Keep letting us know if you have issues and we’ll keep trying to solve them
Can you explain the bug? I had a theory that the Raspbery pi crashes in Kivy Pi I saw were because the screen became located far enough out of bounds the number exceeded space and time to the point it just gave up. From the screen capture it here it looks like it is working until it isn’t similar to my theory. Or I’m dead wrong.
I will go to 1.07 haha, I just didn’t want to rush you. Thank you all so much, I hate to be the problem child but I believe I am learning a lot as I go and I hope I can provide some value to the community in the future.
hahah you are not a problem child! I was seeing the exact same issue which is why I made the change that fixed it.
Speaking of being a problem child I just discovered that I shared the link with what I though was everyone, but turned out to just be everyone with an @maslowcnc email address …should be fixed now
I honestly am not sure exactly what was going on…it may have to do with the serial connection loosing a character occasionally? Basically what was happening was that any time the machine velocity could not be read GC would crash, now it just displays a warning and moves on
Catching up on this thread. The empty chain sag correction value might be a problem here. The calibration process attempts to calculate how much chain the firmware feeds out by repeating the same algorithm as the firmware runs to determine chain length. But if the firmware had some chain sag correction value that somehow was different from GroundControl, the calibration process would fail with the error you see.
I’m not sure if it’s related to the mismatch of 1.04GC/1.06FW or not, but if 1.07 works then I would say let’s do that!
okay…went back to GC 1.04 and FW 1.04, cleared EEPROM and removed the prior .ini file.
Input my machine values & ran the full calibration routine. Still tells me I cannot calibrate. I suspect the error is mine so I am going to jump back to my prior post to ask that someone peer check the values that I input make sense.
Distance Between Motors - 3012.89 mm Calibrated Value
Motor Offset - 541 mm
Distance Between Mounting Points - N/A for Triangular Kinematics
Vertical Distance Sled Mounts to Cutter - N/A for Triangular Kinematics
CoG - 79
Rotation Radius for Triangular Kinematics - 255 mm
Chain Sag Correction Value - I set this to 1 just in case it was an issue with the 0
Attached the ini file. Can anyone get that to calculate with 1-2 1929 mm, 3-4 1938 mm, 5 to top - 229 mm
groundcontrol.ini (817 Bytes)
ANNNND Log File log.txt (75.5 KB)
Those numbers all sound very reasonable
Okay, spending a little time fudging the numbers I can use all of the dimensions for my machine as is. But my calibration cuts have to be within 1mm for the calibration to complete. For instance if my 1-2 cut is 1929, I can use 1930 for my 3-4 cut but as soon as I go to 1931 it cannot complete.
I have absolutely no idea why that would be the case, but we will look into it and figure it out!
Thanks! You guys rock!
Regarding the lengths of cut 3-4 relative to cut 1-2, this is “expected”. If you perform the calibration with the chain sag set to 0, which I think you did, then threw algorithm believes there is no way that the distance between cuts 3-4 can be longer than 1-2. If it were this would require a negative chain sag value, which isn’t allowed. So that would explain why the calibration routine fails.
The real question would be why you’re getting 3-4 longer than 1-2. My only guess would be a mismatch between chain sag values in GC versus Firmware.
As a test, try setting your chain sag value to something like 10, then repeat.
@arnoldcp I simulated your calibration process and got the same result, that it could not be completed. I also confirmed that it is trying to use a negative chain sag value, which is why it is failing.
In looking through your logs I see where the parameters are set, matching the values you provided here. With all of that, there has to be something else going on here. Is your linkage kit functioning smoothly at each cut point? It would be interesting, if possible, to see a picture of the sled at each cut point to make sure we aren’t experiencing linkage issues. The values you measured are outside the bounds of what the calibration routine can understand, given the current physics models used, so I’m trying to track down what’s going on.
Could you shoot a video of the Maslow running through the calibration and share it?
Thank you
Arnold, are you actually making cuts and measuring them? or are you just putting
in values to simulate what you think would happen?
I actually made the cuts. I just left this AM for vacation but I will recut on Sunday evening and take a video. I haven’t really noticed any binding but perhaps it is.
The odd thing is I had cut 3 or 4 things on it after calibrated successfully on 1.04. then I ran this after moving it in my garage and upgrading to 1.06 and it kept failing.
BTW thanks everyone for the tremendously quick responses, I really do appreciate it.