I assembled the Maslow 4 today, when I got to the second step in the calibration process, using the z-axis controls, I was unable to continue. My UI is different than the one in the user guide. In the guide, and all the videos there is a single Z button on the right of the purple movement jog buttons. Mine has 2 Z movement buttons on the left. When I try either of them I get an error message alluding to no travel left.
I was able to jog the z axis down from the window you open with the google hamburger like icon to the left of the FLUIDNC window, so the motors appear to work fine.
By default the moving distance is set to 100mm and this is more than the zaxis can go. Click on the distance to move and set it something like 30mm and then the buttons will work. The max travel is 70 mm.
Great point that the user guide is out of date. It seems like the current UI is not super popular and we’ve got a lot of excellent feedback on how to improve it so I’ll probably update the UI one more time and then update the user guide.