I had a crash on my first “real” project, after about two thirds of the cut the machine went of in a wrong direction, ruined the cut and stopped responding on the wifi.
I would like to find out what happened.
Is there a way to download logs so I could go through the code to find the problem or any other debugging options?
Which firmware version are you using? There was a bug like that a while back, but it should be fixed these days
Thanks for your fast response and sorry for my late one …
I was running a version from one of your posts, I think 0.83a?
It’s not the first time I had a problem on this project: on an earlier try the z_axis shifted about 10 mm, but I wasn’t sure if the milling cutter wasn’t sufficiently secured, even though I think I tightened it enough
UI: github.com/MitchBradley/ESP3D-WEBUI@3c13e8a / FW: fluidnc v0.83 (maslow-main-39543985-dirty)
0.83 seems recent enough to have the fix, but it’s worth updating to the latest anyway because we’ve made lot of other improvements.
The thing that usually causes that issue is the machine not being able to talk to one of the encoders. The ethernet connectors don’t handle dust and vibration particularly well. The short term solution (if that is the issue) is to blow them out with compressed air and put some hot glue around the wire to keep the dust out. The long term solution is to switch to the new JST-XH connectors that we’re moving over to. That being said, I’m not totally sure exactly what the issue was based on the information that we have so it’s hard to say for sure.
Ok, so I should probably get the upgrade.
Still, I would be interested in trying to find the cause.
Are there any log files, e.g. one that logs what commands are sent to the motors?
something like
timestamp: motor 3: x steps clockwise in xx millis
this might help figure out what happened in case something goes wrong
There is a logging option that you can turn on although I haven’t messed with it too much myself. The tricky thing is that since we’re updated the motor speed very fast, it can generate a pretty large file quickly