Decrease movement speed?

@krkeegan Those charts are an excellent visualization! If I gather correctly, you’re saying 1400mm/min might be possible near the center of the machine with stock hardware? It’s funny, because I’m nervous about pushing that with the stock hardware, because I know funny things can happen when you push hardware to their limits.

I also know that the other issue that could arise from raising the feedrate is acceleration planning. With all the other awesome tasks you’re handling, the last thing I’d want to throw into the mix is adding that to the firmware. When the time comes, I would gladly do some of the testing on my machine. Until then, I found that Fusion360 will handle that before post, so I will program it into my G-code.

Not that exact test, but I have detailed a pretty thorough bed accuracy test here. This test is actually still a HUGE priority of mine, as it will tell us much about both the machine and the linkage systems. It actually supersedes any feedrate tests. I need to finish cutting my test sled, and then I will be running them.

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