Emergency stop error (solved)

Maslow calibration process was a smooth ride. I was about to make a first cut when the machine started to at erratically. Pressing the Z down button seemed to result in Maslow adding slack to the lower right belt. Which could be overcome by the picking up slack button. But things really went wrong when I tried to run a gcode file. Emergency stop! Anyone who can make sense of the attached logfile? much appreciated.
log.rtf (5.2 KB)

Excellent, I am glad to hear it. That is what we are going for :grinning:

This is after completing the calibration, putting the updated values in the maslow.yaml file then power on ā†’ retract all ā†’ extend all ā†’ take slack?

Yes, and everything appeared to be normal. extending the belts and taking slack put the maslow center of the frame.

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When the calibration process finished did it give you a ā€œfitnessā€ value?

No, it did not. I noticed because i read about that value in one of the threads. But from what i understand it was more a nice-to-know thing, not something I had to add to the yaml file so I continued without.

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Should I run the calibration sequence again?

Yes, I think that is a good idea. When you do if you could post a copy of the log at the end I can verify if everything looks good.

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will give it a try tomorrow.

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Iā€™ve tried to run the caiibration sequence twice tonight. both runs produced different but interesting results. Not what I hoped for though.
Installed latest firmware and yaml file first. After which I followed the calibration procedure.

First run: Maslow spooled of way too much belt to begin with and soon completely lost it.
Second run: Calibration process looked really neat and this time I did get a fitness value. But then it said: WARNING FITNESS TOO LOW. DO NOT USE THESE CALIBRATION VALUES!

I have attached the logs.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?
log1.rtf (12.0 KB)
log2.rtf (61.1 KB)

ps. with the new firmware installed I get these ā€œno heartbeatā€ messages. After ar browser refresh the connection is there again

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I ran the numbers that it produced through the simulator and I donā€™t see anything particularly funky. There isnā€™t like one really bad measurement.

It seems like the top left and lower right corners are maybe somewhat of a problem area.

How rigid is the frame? Is it possible that it is flexing at all?

We donā€™t collectively have much experience at all with smaller frames. Maybe itā€™s just hard to get a really high calibration value on a small frame? Maybe itā€™s not a concern?

I think it would be reasonable to plug those numbers into the .yaml file and see how things feel. Try jogging around with the arrow buttons and lets see if the tension in the belts feels good?

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it may be worth recording a video of the calibration (especially in the problem
corners) and posting that as well.

David Lang


Thx, Will do some more testing with your suggestions in mind.

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Howā€™s this for fitness! Fitness: 0.9510056558168616 in 108000 cycles
I noticed that the lower right arm was moving differently than the others. So I took it apart to find out that I had put the encoder magnet on the wrong side of the belt. Oddly enough it did somehow provide enough input for the calibration process. I guess thats because my frame is vertical and the lower arms are mosty taking up slack during calibration. I can now move the Maslow around normally and it will run a gcode fileā€¦ Next up: cutting

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Woahhhh :sunglasses: that is actually the highest score Iā€™ve ever seen. Great work!
Was that on the full calibration grid?

8x7 grid.but itā€™s good to know that a misplaced magnet may still give seamingly reasonable results.

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That is good to know. We actually have the ability to read the magnetic field strength directly. I am going to work on adding that to the self test feature.

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Makes me want to get 0.99.

I busted out the levelā€¦does the spoil board need to be perfectly level? I could use MDF 3/4" and that would be pretty straight across.

Iā€™m honestly not sure. Clearly you are doing something better than me so I should be asking you! :grinning:


I call it R.E.C.
Retract all ā†’ Extend all ā†’ Calibrate.

Hoping for good numbers!

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MDF should not be a problem. When you say ā€˜levelā€™ what direction are you looking

you want the bottom of the spoil board parallel to the bottom of the frame (or
more precisely, parallel to the line between the bottom anchors)

the height of the anchors is relative to the plane of the spoil board, but small
variations are unlikely to cause your grief.

David Lang