Full Install file that runs on Mac?

First time Maslow user here. I got mine set up and it worked just great with callibration and a test file or two. Now I’ve got a more complex file that I tried to run, and it stopped after six inches of cutting and won’t respond. No web page, no blinking blue light from the board, either. The other LED’s seem to be on, but the amber ones don’t blink anymore either.

I saw on this post that there is a reset file

Cannot get WiFi to work - #2 by bar

running the “Full Install.bat” script with the board plugged in with a USB cable should reset everything to factory settings

Then I found this post that says I just have to download the full install.bat file and run it from my computer. That’s where I hit the wall. I don’t have any Windows machines here and my Mac laptop doesn’t want to run a .bat file. Any help here?

Maslow 4 - The next generation of Maslow - #630 by Enea

To fully reset everything to factory settings download the win64.zip folder from the releases page 1, and then unzip the folder.

Plug in Maslow so it has power and then connect a USB cord from Maslow to your computer.

Double click on the full_install.bat in the folder you downloaded and it will re-install everything on the machine back to exactly how it starts out. Hopefully that will get things back to how they were before.


I run mine on a PC, so I can’t say anything specifically to Apple, but do you need a full reset? If there’s no LEDs or any activity at all, that sounds less like a computer issue and more like a power issue, a board issue, or possibly both.

I know this may sound a bit dumb, but I would first double check your power cord. I had mine keep shutting down mid-cut whenever the M4 was trying to make some cuts far on the left. It turns out that my power cord was getting stuck on a nearby table and it was coming slightly disconnected in the middle of the cord where the cord goes into the converter brick causing the M4 to lose power and stop. If it’s definitely getting power, then you may have a faulty board.


I’ll definitely review the power cord setup once I get the thing to wake up and listen to me again. Thanks for the suggestion. -e

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No blinking blue light leads me to think that maybe it is creating a “Maslow” wifi network, do you see any network like that?

After a discussion with Bar on the support thread, it appears that the circuit board simply failed in this case. Using the .bat files had no effect - the system reported that nothing was found on the serial port. A replacement circuit board fixed the problem and the tool is working again. I guess the take-away from this is the following:

  • Steady lights, no blinking means the board has significant problems
  • If you want to reset your M4 using the full-install.bat file, you gotta have a Windoze PC :frowning: I found one for $150 on Amazon Prime Day…
  • If you run the full install file and get errors, the board is probably shot.

Glad you solved the problem and got everything working (even if it required replacing parts).

I haven’t had a Mac in a while, but I believe you can still dual boot with Boot Camp if necessary too.

According to what I read on the Internet (so you know it must be true), Boot Camp doesn’t support Windows on Apple’s newer models (with Apple chips instead of Intel), so you’d have to go to Parallels. That costs about $100/year plus a $150 license for Windows. The PC was much cheaper!


You can use https://getwhisky.app/ which is a Wine emulator for Mac. It supports full AAA games so should be able to run bat files.


Has anyone tried the Whisky WINE emulator? I, too, appear to have a board that doesn’t have software and I only have Macs. (I just swapped the board to move to the JST connectors. I ordered and received the board months ago but only had time to tackle the upgrade now. Bummed that after reassembling everything I am dead in the water). I’m not getting any new wifi network showing up, only one solid Green led, no sign the steppers energize.

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@bar - there are so many people who are Mac only, would it be possible to build a full installer that runs on Mac natively?

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I’m not a software engineer, but I worked with a lot of them as a product manager and analyst. I’m only guessing, but I’d say it’s a slightly educated guess: I looked into those .bat files and they all call a .exe file (esptool.exe). The scripts look like they’d be easy to port over to BASH (command line system for Mac OS), but the .exe file is a compiled executable and would have to be ported to run on Mac OS (.app) - that’s probably a large scale project that would require a lot of volunteer time from somebody to make. It would also create two branches of code that would have to be updated simultaneously. So I’m not holding out any hopes for install files that run on Macs :frowning: Bar may be able to confirm or deny my guess.

Also, This link provides more detailed information on what the Wine emulator is: WineHQ - Wine Application Database It looks like it’s a bit of effort to install, but the web site says that you don’t need command-line skills to get it going. I’m going to skip any testing of this approach as I just broke down and bought a PC. If there are a number of people who express an interest in this approach, I might pitch in and do some testing later if needed. But given the minimal responses to this original post, I’m guessing the Maslow community is mostly Windoze users…

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Eric Rivedal wrote:

I’m not a software engineer, but I worked with a lot of them as a product
manager and analyst. I’m only guessing, but I’d say it’s a slightly educated
guess: I looked into those .bat files and they all call a .exe file
(esptool.exe). The scripts look like they’d be easy to port over to BASH
(command line system for Mac OS), but the .exe file is a compiled executable
and would have to be ported to run on Mac OS (.app) - that’s probably a large
scale project that would require a lot of volunteer time from somebody to
make. It would also create two branches of code that would have to be updated
simultaneously. So I’m not holding out any hopes for install files that run on
Macs :frowning: Bar may be able to confirm or deny my guess.

I haven’t dug into this yet, but I’m sure that the equivalent program exists to
flash an esp from a mac (or linux system). I would start looking at instructions
for running platformio and flashing the chip.

David Lang

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I am actually also Mac only. I have a super cheap windows computer that I use exclusively to run the build process.

I had a conversation with the folks over at FluidNC about this a while back and they say that the build process SHOULD work on Mac and generate a Mac installer, but when I tried it, it didn’t work for me so it’s a bit of a research project.

I would LOVE help with it if anyone has a chance to take a look at it. The file build-release.py is the one that we want to run on Mac