I have picked up a used Makermade (Maslow Classic) and am in the process of getting it set up. I am having some difficulties with the software. I have downloaded Ground Control and have it running on a Mac operating on OS version 10.15. Connected the Mega 2560 to my computer and can connect to the board and get the one motor connected to turn. I have also downloaded Makerverse but am unable to connect to the board. I keep getting an error message indicating I need to update to firmware v51.28 but the message does not indicated what this firmware is for? Is it for the Arduino board? I also cannot figure out how to connect to the control board over WIFI. I am hoping to get the control board working on my workbench before hooking everything up to the frame. Thanks for any help.
Firmware is the code running on the Arduino mega. Makerverse / Webcontrol / Groundcontrol are the gcode sending program options that talk to the arduino via USB. If you use a raspberry pi or other headless computer to run the sender, you can connect to the sender via wifi. There is no “wifi” connection on the arduino other than the computer you supply. Makerverse and Webcontrol both have web connections to allow you to control them from another computer via a web page you load. For example: A maslow in the garage connected to a raspberry pi can have the gcode uploaded from a desktop design system in the house. One can then load the same web page from a phone, move the sled to a start position while in front of the system and then start and monitor the run using the phone or a shop tablet or some other device that has that loaded web page.
Thanks for the response. As much as I would like to control the machine over wifi I think I should get it up and running and connected to my Mac first, then consider the wifi option. I am still not what the v51.28 firmware is for. When I first installed Arduino and connected it to my board a firmware update to v1.26 was required. Because these two firmware numbers are so different I assume they are for different hardware?
It is an arbitrary numbering series so we know what it is used for:
1.xx series firmware is for the standard triangular calibration.
51.xx is for the holey firmware calibration method
101.xx or 151.xx (I forget) is for the optical calibration that has not found widespread use
the decimal is the version number. 1.26 supports most boards available from the vendors with the basic calibration. 51.29+ supports eastbay’s newest boards, 51.28+ supports makerverse.
All of them are for the arduino mega controller. None of these work with the Due controller
firmware managed by different groups with completely different numbering
David Lang
Okay. Where do I get the Holey v51.28? I am running Ground Control on a MacBook Pro. Can I use it to install this firmware update? I have not had any success in finding any Webcontrol installer.
Is there a web site where all of this is documented besides in a forum posting? I have been trying to get this Maslow M2 from Makermade calibrated since last Friday when I replaced the DUE board due to a broken connector. I updated the DUE from MaslowDUE and although I can control the sled it will not calibrate.
Going to position 0 in the Edge or Precision tab the sled goes to ≈ -164mm while the the rest of the positions seem to be more reasonable.
I have been trying unsuccessfully to compile WebControl and Makerverse so I can see exactly what is going on. How does one compile either WebControl or Makerverse on a Mac running Ventura? The software source looks like it has not been updated in ages. Is no one maintaining the source?
I am pretty sure that webcontrol will not work with the DUE and Makerverse is the only option.
Does calibration run fully but is just off? I would start with double checking the correct firmware for Makerverse and redo all measurements. I accidentally put a few measurements in inches and forgot to convert to mm when I did mine.
I’m not familiar with Makerverse and use webcontrol so this is all I can offer. Sorry
I finally got a somewhat reasonable calibration. Note to all who stumble across this when using Makerverse. The issue had something to do with the saved values in ~/Library/Application Support/Makerverse. I deleted the folder and ran the application to create a new folder and can now see values being written to the EEPROM during apply calibration.
I got a 5.6mm calibration but my circles are oblong when etching with the laser on the spoil board.
Working on that now.
FWIW, WebControl should work if I can ever get it to compile.
It’s too bad no one is maintaining this software at Makermade. The last commit to Makerverse was in Sept 2021.
The webcontrol has a limited grbl command set for the mega while the makerverse grbl is slightly different for the due. Makerverse had the webcontrol command set added. Grbl could be added for webcontrol, but it is different and as of now will not work. The code for differentiating between due and mega would need to be added as well.