February 5, 2019, 3:37am
This is my first cut other than a sled. When cutting six rectangular holes I can see that the tops are crooked on some but straight on others and all of the bottoms are fine. Can you help me make the cuts straighter?
February 5, 2019, 4:53am
You could try taking smaller depth of cut perpass. Make sure the sled is weighted such is is not skipping or tilting. Run more calibration.
See this -
Have run several circle tests, and they are slightly out of round…
In the center towards the top, 6" wide x 5 7/8 " high
In the center towards the bottom, 6" wide x 5 15/16" high
30" either side the error narrows to 6" wide x 5 31/32" high
What measurement errors cause this problem?
FWIW, I used the machine to measure top beam length, and the result was 3004.57… used this for the temp sled calibration. When I calibrated using the new sled, I used a steel rule to measure the distance between…
Thank you
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