Home button moves Maslow off frame

I finally got a gcode job to run successfully. However, at the end of the job I push Home and the MaslowCNC moves straight up until the top left and top right belts are tight. It’s as if the device thinks home is somewhere off the frame. Can some help with this?

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Total guess… is your gcode using inches? There is a known issue with “jogging” that if you have jog set to mm, run gcode with inches and then jog it thinks you are going to x,y in inches

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Yes, my gcode is in inches. So, change to mm before jogging?

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That happened to me… Just have an eye on The units in the jog. Mine was always 100mm, and when I ran an inches (Imperial)gcode, as soon as you start the code, the jog turns to inches… So your first jog will be 100 inches.