How To: Get Started with MaslowCreate

MaslowCreate is a browser-based tool for computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) which is designed to be easier to use, particularly for beginners. The approach is to treat each design as a program, that is, a series of steps that builds from simple objects like circles and rectangles to create objects. The interface is a graphically-based workarea onto which objects and actions are placed and connected together. You do not need to know any programming languages to create objects with MaslowCreate!

This guide will help you get started with MaslowCreate.


You do not need to install software on your computer to use MaslowCreate. However, you do need to have a free GitHub account. Your designs are stored in the GitHub account. GitHub was designed for software developers to share and collaboratively build their programs. Similarly, having your designs on GitHub means that you can share and collaboratively build your CAD/CAM projects. Moreover, because they are on your account, you can control who has access to your projects and what happens to them in the future. They belong to you!

To get started, go to in a web browser. Here is where browser requirements would go if I knew them. The first time you visit, you will see a screen like this:

If you already have a GitHub account, press the green button to login. If not, click “Create a free account”.
Creating a GitHub Account

You will be presented a form requesting your desired username, your email address, a password for your GitHub account, a CAPTCHA, and acceptance of the GitHub privacy policy and Terms of Service. At the bottom of the form, click “Create an Account”.

Select a free account or a paid account.

GitHub will then ask you a few questions. These are optional.

Next, go to your email and look for the email from GitHub. Follow the instructions in the email to verify your account.

At this point GitHub will show a “dashboard”.

At this point GitHub will notify you that your email account has been flagged as potential spam and you will have to discontinue your tutorial until you can get them to unflag the account. :blush: