How to reset to see the maslow to be an access point again?

Please forgive me if it is a dumb question:

I set up my Maslow 4 at another site where I logged into the maslow SSID, pointed it to the actual WiFi, after which I was able to connect to it through that site’s LAN. Then I brought it to my house with different WiFi credentials. Now it is neither its own maslow access point nor is it accessible through the new LAN. How can I get it back in “access point mode” again so that I can connect it to the new WiFi network?

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In my (past) experience, even when I was able to access it via my local wifi, the “maslow” access point was still an option; in my computer/tablet’s wifi settings, I could still connect to “maslow” even if when on my local access point, I could also connect to maslow.local.

If that’s changed in recent firmware updates, ignore me.

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If the machine can’t connect to your local wifi network it should default to creating it’s own Maslow wifi network so if you aren’t seeing a “Maslow” wifi network that usually means the machine is connecting to some wifi. A good way to check is to look at the blue light. If the blue light is blinking then the machine is connected to wifi.

If you want to fully reset it, you can plug in a USB cable and run the full_install.bat (just double click it) in the folder here:

Doing that will wipe everything and do a hard reset back to the factory defaults