Just bought an M4 and had some questions

Hi everyone,

After much deliberation and comparing several models (Shapeoko, Longmill, Onefinity, etc.), I’ve decided to go with the Maslow 4—quite excited about it! As I await its arrival, I have a few questions based on what I’ve read across different forum threads and would greatly appreciate your insights:

  1. Pen Plotter Adaptations: I’m quite interested in exploring pen plotting, using the CNC with a marker or pen in place of a router bit. Given the Maslow’s design, I assume it would be well-suited for such tasks. Can anyone confirm if the M4 can be adapted for pen plotting, and if there are any considerations to be aware of?

  2. Orientation and Performance: I understand the Maslow can be positioned from horizontal to nearly vertical. While other CNCs can also be mounted vertically, I’ve read that they may wear out faster due to gravity’s effect. Does the orientation impact the Maslow’s performance or longevity? Specifically, would positioning it horizontally offer any advantages, such as faster movement due to reduced sled weight?

(also: @bar, I placed an order for the M4 today and was curious: is this part of the batch that includes the extra parts from the Kickstarter campaign? thanks!)


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After much deliberation and comparing several models (Shapeoko, Longmill, Onefinity, etc.), I’ve decided to go with the Maslow 4—quite excited about it! As I await its arrival, I have a few questions based on what I’ve read across different forum threads and would greatly appreciate your insights:

  1. Pen Plotter Adaptations: I’m quite interested in exploring pen plotting, using the CNC with a marker or pen in place of a router bit. Given the Maslow’s design, I assume it would be well-suited for such tasks. Can anyone confirm if the M4 can be adapted for pen plotting, and if there are any considerations to be aware of?

you would need to create a pen holder in the shape of the router (including a
way to mount the electronics), we don’t know details yet.

  1. Orientation and Performance: I understand the Maslow can be positioned from horizontal to nearly vertical. While other CNCs can also be mounted vertically, I’ve read that they may wear out faster due to gravity’s effect. Does the orientation impact the Maslow’s performance or longevity? Specifically, would positioning it horizontally offer any advantages, such as faster movement due to reduced sled weight?

since the maslow relies on gravity to keep the sled from lifting from the work,
the closer to vertical the harder it is to make sure the router cuts into the
workpiece rather than pushing the sled away from the workpiece. With a pen you
don’t have this problem, so you should be able to go very close to vertical (if
not vertical)

the problem you have with a pen is that if the ink doesn’t dry fast enough, the
sled can smear it

(also: @bar, I placed an order for the M4 today and was curious: is this part of the batch that includes the extra parts from the Kickstarter campaign? thanks!)

my understanding is that this first batch of additional orders is identical to
the kickstarter kits.

David Lang


The chief advantage (at least for me) of a horizontal configuration is that the frame can be super simple (e.g. 4 anchors in a concrete slab with a spoil board). I am not aware of any disadvantage to the vertical configuration in terms of wear or performance.


I’ve seen some adapters to put a pen in a router. A lot of them depend on a 1/2 inch collet and we only have a 1/4 inch one, but I am certain there is a way to do it. I expect someone will come up with a nice 3D printed option pretty quickly.

Re-vertical vs horizontal. I designed Maslow4 for the vertical orientation and only tested it that way for the first year. Using it upright is not putting it under any stress that it isn’t designed for. Maybe using it horizontal is less stress, but the force in the opposing belts can be pretty high so I’m not sure. I’ve yet to actually break any parts so I can’t say for certain.

All of the kits will be identical. The upgrades that we made during the Kickstarter are permanent and I don’t expect to ever go back.


For mounting a pen in the router a useful search term is drag knife.


rather than mounting a pen in the router, plan on making a router-shaped object
to hold the pen instead.

David Lang


Sharpie Holder For Makita RT0701C by lonepinetech - Thingiverse
I’m sure someone has already made a 3d printed dewalt pen holder. this is for makita router.


The same guy made one for the DeWalt 611 - the files are listed there at the bottom, but he notes that he hasn’t tested it.


I purchased an adapter but the length is more than the maslow4 can handle. Would have to modify adapter or add a additional sled to the maslow for thr needed height. Someone reported that sled smears pen before it drys . Sled using coasters might work and blowing air instead of vacuum might also help. Wanting to try. But right now trying to learn software. But i do believe it should be possible


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Thanks everyone for the replies. :smiley:

Regarding using the M4 as a plotter: would swapping the router with a 3D-printed pen holder be practical? Now that the assembly instructions are available, I’ve reviewed them and it seems like installing the router on the sled is quite involved. Replacing the router in the assembly each time I want to use a 3D-printed pen holder, and then switching it back when I need to use the router, seems like a significant amount of work. Would the most practical approach be to find an adapter for the router, or are there other solutions worth considering? Or am I just overestimating how involved router swapping might be?


I think that’s probably the easiest way. You are right that taking the router all the way out is a hassle.

I think that we probably want to design something like this


I think that something like that could work well.

Thanks for noticing that the assembly instructions are up! I just put those up last night.

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Thanks for the reply (and for answering my many questions!), Bar. Your write-ups look great and very clear.

I’m sure it would require some modifications and adjustments, but it looks like the pen holder you linked could theoretically clear the belt spool’s geometry, right? Like the pen wouldn’t come into contact with the assembly?

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I think so. I haven’t actually tested that particular one, but I think it wouldn’t be too hard to design something like that which would clear the spool.

The hole in the dust shield might not be big enough to let it in at an angle like that. It might take a little bit of fiddling but I’m sure that we could make it work.

Here’s another interesting option:

Edit: Those are a 3d printed part…if we just made the same thing but with a 1/4 inch part that comes up to go into the router I think it would work great

Edit2: Something like this, but with the 90 degree adapter built in:

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The etsy is the version i bought. But z azis connot compensate for the needed height. It fits great in the router. But needs about 3.5 inches. The bolt is 1/4" bolt with threads cut off. So fits in. Collet. I am wondering if a design jind of N shaped wher leg would fit in collet. Jog upward around nut on collet then install pen at angle would allow pen holder to fit maslow. Spring would still have to be on 1/4" bolt. Would be tight fit but might work. The also make mini pens that are shorter

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Just had another idea maybe for bar.
Attach pen to Z aziz lower support and have it stick through another hole in sled. It would have offset. But might work with less difficulty.

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Or better yet. Z axis lower support to hole in dust cover would have less offset. And blowing air vs vacuum could dry ink faster.

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the sled can rotate in use, so anything other than the center of the router
cannot be accurately positioned.

David Lang


Ok. When using pen there will not be a bit in router. Use mount on z axis lower platform to center. Would requite 2 arms with spring so.rwhere in middle… there has ro be someway this will work.

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