Looking for bit swapping tips

I have not done this yet, but as i understand it, for the hardware side it’s not really that hard.

  1. solder 1 wire to aux 4 signal

  2. solder 1 wire to any GND connector (preferably the one next to AUX4 for tidyness)

  3. connect one of those wires to a plate you can put under the sled,

  4. connect the other wire to an aligator clip (i was thinking to use a magnet, would that work too?)

  5. Put the plate under the sled so that it covers the opening and put the clip on any metal piece of the router (the router bit) .

  6. Run the gcode blurfl posted.

  7. The Z-axis will lower till it senses some conductivity and know what the zero point of the Z-axis is.

From that point on i’m not much help, my maslow should be arriving tomorrow, so i haven’t gotten much experience yet :smiley:

And with a totally awsome schematic


you could also solder pins in place and use connectors, but this is the minimum required i believe.